Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The versatile blogger award!

So i've been away for the weekend (hence lack of posts, sorry!) and i've come back to discover i've been nominated twice for the versatile blogger award, woohooo! So thank you to Josephine Jade and simplicity rose x for nominating me! :)
If you've been nominated you have to:

1 = Nominate fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2 = Let them know they've been nominated
3 = Share 7 random facts about yourself
4 = Thank the bloggers that have nominated you
5 = Add the versatile blogger award picture to your blog post
Seven random facts about me!...
1. This is my first blog award, woo!
2. I'm the biggest girly girl but i actually live on a farm with muddy fields, cows and sheep!
3. In august i had anterior spinal fusion for scoliosis (a curved spine) where they collapsed my lung to take out a rib, straightened my spine and put pieces of my rib between it to make it fuse and held it there with titanium rods and pins!
4. I also have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and so i'm very hypermobile and can do the splits, put my leg behind my head, lick my nose etc haha!
5. I'm allergic to nuts and petrolatum and have phobias of heights, fish and knives
6. People think im stupid as i'm a blonde girly girl who does beauty therapy but i'm actually really clever, when i was in year 8 i did the UK Maths Challenge for 18-21 year olds and got two poems printed in books, i took my french gcse a year early and then did an asset level course and got 100%
7. I'm part english, part italian, part egyptian! However i've never been to italy or egypt and people always seem to think i'm swedish....

And the people i'm nominating for this award are...... 

Emily xxx


  1. Thankyou for nominating me :) I love your blog!
    Congrats on your award! You deserve it :) xxxx

  2. Yayyy thankyouuu! :) Well done for getting it too ! xxx

  3. Congratulations xx
